Platform Update - Time Series Node, Event Filtering, and Audit Logs for Enterprise

Brandon Cannaday
Brandon Cannaday | 1 minute read

Today's release provides a powerful new way for you to query data in workflows, improved user experience for your events, and audit logging for unmatched visibility into your enterprise account activity.

Time Series Workflow Node

The new time series workflow node allows you to request aggregated device data over a specific time range.


The example above is requesting the average humidity from our weather device each day for the past month. This data can now be used to make any required decisions later in the workflow.

You can get your own weather data and dashboard by following the Losant walkthrough.

Event Filtering and Updated Interface

The events page has been entirely redesigned. We've also added the ability to filter events for an easy way to search for a specific item. Thanks Bob_Gelety on our forums for the request!


Audit Logs for Enterprise

Losant enterprise customers can now gain access to detailed audit logging.


The logs contain all changes made to any Losant resource and the user or process that made the change.


Please contact us to learn more about the Losant enterprise plans.

Other Updates

  • Support for unaggregated data in the data explorer. Thanks Chris_Crosley on the forums for the idea!
  • Header inputs on the HTTP and webhook reply nodes have auto-complete with common headers and values.
  • Added an option on the workflow debug panel to auto-expand the JSON bodies.
  • Added an option to automatically set the zoom level on workflows so every node fits on the canvas.
  • Can now use control+s / command+s to deploy workflows.

What's Next?

With every new release, we really listen to your feedback. By combining your suggestions with our roadmap, we can continue to make the platform easy for you. Let us know what you think in the Losant Forums.