Connected Product Foundation - Threshold Alerting

Brandon Cannaday
Brandon Cannaday | 2 minute read

The Connected Product Foundation (CPF) was released late last year and has quickly become a popular way for our customers to develop their own, customer-facing, IoT products and services.

Today's update delivers major new functionality to the CPF: automatic threshold monitoring and alerting. This feature allows you and your customers to define alerting thresholds directly through the CPF's branded user interface. When a device reports an attribute value that exceeds a low or high threshold, an Event is automatically created.


A new "Alerting" tab is now available on the device page to display that device's alerting configuration. We've also added an Alerting Admin Page, which gives system administrators full control over which attributes are enabled for alerting and whether users can override the default threshold values.


Starting today, any application created from the Connected Product Foundation template will include the alerting functionality.

One of our primary goals at Losant is to make it as easy as possible for organizations to adopt IoT. The CPF is a major driver towards that goal. With first-class support for alerting, you can instantly deliver this functionality to your customers without writing any code or building any workflows.

If you want to learn more about the CPF and how it can accelerate your IoT initiates, please contact us.

How to Import Alerting Functionality Into Existing CPF Applications

If you created an application from the CPF template prior to this functionality, you can import just the alerting features by following these steps:

  1. Ensure that you have not modified the source code for any of the resources below. Any changes you made will be lost.
    1. cpf-page-device-details experience page
    2. cpf-layout experience layout
    3. CPF: Get Tenancy Level custom node
    4. CPF: Verify Role custom node
  2. Download the alerting template.
  3. Navigate to the "Import" tab of your application's Import / Export page.
    1. Select Request an import dry run with my settings below.
    2. For Import Source Method, select Upload a .zip from my computer and upload the alerting template you downloaded above.
    3. For Conflict Behavior, select Overwrite the existing resource with the imported resource.
    4. Click the Request Dry Run Report button.
  4. When you receive the dry run report, open it and inspect its contents.
    1. You should see 21 rows where 14 rows are marked as create for the importResult. These are the new resources for the alerting functionality.
    2. You should see a single DataTable row with the importResult marked as no change and the importResultComments set to "1 creatable row, 0 ignored rows, 0 conflicting rows - will replace."
    3. If you see more than 21 rows or more than one DataTable row, ensure you are importing the correct zip (downloaded above) and that you're importing into the correct CPF application. Also double check that the Conflict Behavior was set correctly.
  5. If the dry run looks correct, scroll back to the top of the Import/Export page and select Proceed with the import using my provided settings.
  6. Click the Request Import button.
  7. Once imported, enable the newly created "Alerting" application workflow.
  8. If you experience issues, please contact us on the Losant Forums.